Dreaming in Color

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 28: Gifts In Your Dad

These are just a few of the many gifts that are found in my dad:

 Hard working and great work ethic

His discipline and unconditional love
The way he raised me

His cooking abilities and loving to try new recipes (that's probably where I get it from)

He gives 110% in everything he does 

His patience with me

His comfort when I'm sick or anxious

His creativity

His musical talent

His love for card games/board games and always playing them with me. 

Day 27: Gifts Loved

I love a lot of things. Besides God and my family, I love Mr. Colton Daniel Groves, which is fitting because today is his birthday! Twenty-one wonderful years of life. And 16 months of being a couple :) We have had some great times together, here are a few of them!

eBay Christmas work party.

His very first Instagram post!

Rock and Worship Roadshow with 1929.

Real Salt Lake game.

Hiking Corner Canyon.

Volunteering at Vincent De Paul soup kitchen with eBay.

Colton got the awesome opportunity to travel to San Jose California and introduce his friend Neil, who received the Heros award from eBay! What a stud!

He biked 100 miles for Bike MS!

His very first legal drink, that I had the privilege of buying.

He is such a blessing to me from God! I love you babe!

Day 24: Gifts Hard Giving Thanks For

I'm sitting in the doctor's office because I have had a couple numb toes since January! Crazy, right? It's so annoying! Anyways, I have cried countless times, complained more than I should have, and basically yelled at God asking him why this has happened to me. Since I am still dealin with this trial, it's even more hard to give thanks, and I don't know if I fully can do that yet. It is something I am working on. For some weird reason, God allowed this to happen to me. Maybe being me closer to him, or teaching me patience, or showing me that my life will go on regardless of the circumstances. Whatever it happens to be is the reason that I am thankful. For the different lesson that God had and continues to tea h me through this experience.

Two bonuses, a hot doctor doing his residency looked at my feet (don't tell Colton ;) hah). And my toe have cute polish on them thanks to a wonderful lady named Carolyn!

Don't mind my ugly shaped toes :)

Day 23: Gifts Old

Old people are great; even the young people who are still older than me. I remember being a kid and having everything taken care of for me. I had a roof over my head, food to eat, a bed to sleep in, family who loves me, etc. the only think I wanted was to be just a few year older and out on my own. Now I am at the point of being on my own and I want to be a kid again!


 I realize now that I had a great life as a kid. No bills, I could do extra chores if I wanted more allowance, but it wasn't required. I didn't have to drive myself places, spend money on gas, groceries, or utilities. The list could go on and on, which brings me to the reason that I am thankful for things old. "Old people" such as my parent who took care of me so I didn't have to; parents who still help me pay my bills, and for school; parents who have more wisdom than I do about life (even when I don't like to admit it). 

See? Things old are great!

 Another person that just turned old is my boyfriend Colton. The big 21! As of yesterday! I'll be following him shortly!


Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 20: Gifts Fragile

BABIES!...that's the first thing that came to mind. Although, they're not necessarily all that fragile. One time I was changing this baby's clothes and trying to be so very gentle of its arms and legs; I just couldn't get it to work. The mom then came over and tugged a little here and there, definitely not being fragile (but note meanly aggressive either), and got the clothes changed.

Well...to me, fragile things are beautiful things. Mirrors, pictures, expensive gifts, important documents, china dishes, wedding rings, etc. I am thankful or fragile things because of their importance and beauty. I mean come on, who doesn't love beautiful things?...and babies!

Day 19: Gifts in Evening

Nighttime occurrences:
  • Seeing the beautiful sky/stars/consetellations.
  • Knowing that sleep and rest come very soon.
  • Watching moves or Netflix.
  • Cuddling with Colton.
  • If it's a weekend, Colton doesn't have to work.
  • More possibility of a date night.
  • Usually the hour that Colton and I make smoothies or s'mores.
  • Beginning of "all-nighters".
  • Great hour to hang out with friends.

Day 18: Gifts at Noon

Things happening midday:
  • The weather warming up for the day.
  • Colton usually wakes up at this time. ;)
  • Knowing that I got a lot of things accomplished by this hour.
  • Realizing that I still have the rest of the day.
  • Colton and I do not have to go into work just yet.
  • Perfect time of day for swimming.

Day 17: Gifts in the Morning

Things that mainly happen in the am: 
  • My productivity level is extremely high.
  • Being able to exercise at the gym.
  • The birds chirping outside.
  • There is a certain way the morning time looks that I just love.
  • The Quietness and peacefulness.

Day 15: Gifts in His Word

Right now I'm having trouble sleeping and I want to get upset at someone because they didnt respond how I was hoping they would. It was very hard praying for God to help me just let it go. I know I shouldn't be upset with them but it's what my human nature wants to do, which makes me thankful for verses like these:

Day 10: Gifts Understated

When I think of the word "understated" I first think of a blog I stumbled across called http://www.beautyredefined.net/

The main thing I took from reading a few articles on there was that it isn't all about our appearance. Our other (more important) qualities are strongly "understated" and we need to work on taking those good qualities from the back-burner, such as our awesome personalities, and bringing them forward; ahead of our appearances. God didnt give us talents, gifts, personalities, generous hearts, and kind spirits, to be passed over and focus solely on our looks. He gave us all of these to equally define ourselves; not just one of them but all of them working together.

I am learning this and probably will still be learning it tomorrow, in a month, and even a few years from now. Thank you God for helping me start to realize this.

Day 9: Gifts Musical

Obviously, like everyone else in the world, I am thankful for music. Have you ever met someone who didn't
like music? I haven't. Here is what I've been listening to lately...

Kacey Musgraves-Follow Your Arrow

The Band Perry-Better Dig Two

The Band Perry-Mother Like Mine

Carrie Underwood-Two Black Cadillacs

We As Human-We Fall Apart

Day 22: Gifts Very Small

Babies again!! Just kidding, enough about those cute little peanuts! 

My "babies", but really my puppies, actually they're just dogs, not puppies, but whatever. My "babies/puppies" are the cutest little things I have ever seen. Right now as I type this, I get to spend the weekend with them! 

When you put a sock on Annie, she acts like she is dead. Rarely will she ever move while the sock is on. Once taken off, she is back to her lively self.

My other dog, Chloe, got a haircut a few days ago and was shaved too closely around her bum/tail area. The poor girl has to wear a cone and a makeshift diaper to keep from licking. How sad!

Day 21: Gifts Long Awaited

Here are the things I'm waiting patiently for...well, trying to anyways.

1) Colton's 21st birthday (July 27, send him some birthday wishes!) and mine too (August 6).
2) Marriage, kids, family, the whole white-picket-fence-2.5-kids-living-in-the-suburbs-of-some-great-city ordeal.
3) Graduating from the U of U in Exercise & Sport Science and then starting cosmetology school. 
4) To become the homemaker that Karen Groves is. She is a combination of Betty Crocker, Rachel ray, Paula Dean, any famous chef/baker you name it, that's Karen! [side note: my mom bought this awesome Pampered Chef frosting kit with the different tips and a Pampered Chef cookie cutter set at a yard sale for me. Thanks mom!]
4) Finding what I'm passionate about. I feel like I like a wide variety of things, but there isn't one thing that I'm completely head-over-heals in love with (except Colton).

What are your passions?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tissue Paper Decor

This weekend my best friend Tristen is having her bridal shower for her wedding in August. I was asked to make tissue paper balls for the decorations; right up my alley ;) Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make them.

Cut 6 sheets of tissue paper. Square or rectangular. If you're making big balls, you will want to do 8-10 sheets of paper.
Fold the tissue paper like folding a fan.; back and forth, back and forth.

Cut the ends into a point...

...or rounded corner.

Fold the tissue paper in half. Make a crease in the center.

Tie a string in the middle. For these I used sewing thread, but I prefer to use embroidery thread; something a little bit thicker. If you are going to hang these up, leave the end of the string longer. 

Open up the folded layers of tissue paper and separate each sheet individually. 

Finished products! 



Day 16: Gifts of Family

I am one of 4 Kittelsruds in the whole state of Utah. Talk about a small family! Even though we are sparse, the love and encouragement I receive from them is just as much (if not more) then one gets from a large family.

I also have another family that I consider and love like my own;  the Groves'. I am blessed to be dating the wonderful man of God that Karen and Danny raised. They're always very welcoming of me at their house, whether or not Colton is around. I am so blessed by them.

I like to consider myself pretty lucky because I have not one, but two wonderful families in my life. Thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 14: Gifts Together

I am so thankful for having Colton to do things together; plasma, grocery shopping, watching movies, cuddling, looking up important things like doctors, cooking food, and playing Foosball. All of these things and more I especially enjoy with his wonderful company.

Outside of him, it's nice to have other Christians to fellowship with together. Sharing what God is doing in our lives and how we can pray for one another.

Friends to share struggles with, to encourage each other, to give advice to, and just have a listening ears

People to help me; plan things, counsel me, and encourage me, mentor me.

Mosg importabtky, I am especially thankful that God is always together with me.

Hebrews 13:5 "...'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"

Day 13: Gifts Difficult

I have a hard time being thankful for difficult things. Yes, I know that they teach me a lesson and help me grow, but that knowledge is only hindsight. Plenty of difficult things have come my way, but they could have been a lot worse.

  • My wallet could have been in my purse when it was stolen from my car. 
  • My whole bike could have been stolen instead of just the tires. 
  • Colton and I could have crashed our car when half my bike came off the bike rack on the California 405 freeway. 

These are just a few difficult things, and I am thankful for them because I have learned multiple lessons and I would rather have mild difficulties than extreme ones.


Day 12: Gifts of Beginnings

From those endings new beginnings came in the form of meeting Phil and Melissa Wiebe and becoming involved in South Mountain Community Church-The Springs as well as meeting some pretty cool college kids.

I was able to spend a few solid months with my best friend Amanda who moved down in February of 2012.

I was extremely blessed to nanny three kids for a Christian nanny, who was both loving and paid very well.

Lastly, I was able to re-connect with my now boyfriend of 1 year and almost 4 months (Colton Daniel Groves).

(This was hours before he officially asked me to be his girlfriend!)

In the moment if was definitely a hard time; deciding where to go to college, what to switch my major to, finding housing, preparing to leave, etc. But I am so thankful that God ended that opportunity and opened up these new ones. If He didn't, I probably wouldn't be with the GREATEST MAN EVER!

Day 11: Gifts of Endings

The biggest blessing that came as an ending in my life was when God called me to leave Indiana Wesleyan University, completely change my major, and move me back to Utah. I always had the mindset of leaving Utah and never, ever moving back. Look where that got me? He closed that door but opened plenty more. Here is a mini-recap of my IWU experience.

<<<<< Packing up the car was definitely a struggle. For some reason, I had to take just about every single thing that I owned. Now I know better.

These are my lovely Shatford first floor ladies. 

My RA Emily made this super creative wall decor.
How fun is that? >>>>>

This was when I got my first Tattoo. December 5, 2010. Gene, Megan, and Emily went with to witness.

 I got the opportunity to be on the first ever IWU dance team called IWU Remix. It was such a blast. This is our whole team.

Among all this, I made some awesome friends, learned a lot, and realized that I really don't enjoy Indiana (especially the lack of mountains).
Read the next day's post to see how these endings created new beginnings!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 7: Gifts of Growth and Decline

I have found that I encounter a lot of periods of growth and decline in regards to my walk with Christ. Some weeks I'll be doing really well; reading God's word 5-6 days of the week. Other times I'll go weeks without opening my Bible (sad to say).

It has been a huge challenge moving up to Salt Lake City and furthering my relationship with Christ. I have struggled to find a church that I can call home and get involved in. I have had a hard time finding strong Christian friends that I can open up to. I haven't been reading my Bible consistently like I have in the past. But you know what? Despite all these things I struggle with, God is still with me. 

"...for he has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'" - Hebrews 13:5

If I don't have the hard times/decline in my walk with God, I most definitely would not be able to fully appreciate the growth that I have experienced in Him.


Day 8: Gifts Eaten

This might just be my favorite thing to be thankful for so far haha. Just because I love food...A LOT! Here are two new recipes that I tried this past week. Both by Jamie Eason; Pumpkin Protein Bars and Turkey Muffins. Both made with all clean ingredients!! (Both photos are not my own)

A lot of the time I think I take food for granted. It is something that is so easily accessible in America. Only now, when I don't have a job and I have to be more conscious of my spending, do I realize how much money I actually do spend on food. It makes me a little worried about when I'm married with a family. That amount is only going to increase! Which leads me to be even more thankful for the money that I do have to spend on my groceries.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 6: Gifts in Weakness

This is going to be a short post but I am thankful for weakness for this sole reason:

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.For the sake of Christ, then I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10


Day 5: Gifts of Conflict, and Change

When I looked at today's item to be thankful for, this one stirred up a lot of emotions for me. I have a very difficult time thanking God for all of my hardships. Hindsight, yeah, I can see why I went through the things I did, but now. Currently. This. Very. Moment. The last thing I want to do is give thanks for being stuck an extra time (with a very large needle might I add) or almost passing out while giving plasma. And this isn't the first time these things have happened. They occurred a few weeks ago! I just want to sit here and cry about it (I'm such a baby sometimes. ha.).

<<<Here is my battle would...It's not that bad.

In all actuality, what I went through today is very small compared to the grand scheme of things. Reflecting on my scary ordeals at plasma, I am thankful for the first scare. That conflict better prepared me for when it happened today. I wasn't freaking out as much, I knew that I was going to be okay, and I knew how to deal with it. It's very hard to be thankful for that, but I'm coming around to it.

Now to the topic of change. Hmmm. This is a hard one for me also. Goodness! Today is just a hard day all around! I have a difficult time with change. Moving, new job, unforeseen circumstances, sometimes even unexpected changes in plan; all of these things are quite a challenge for me. Eventually, I get over it and become accustomed to the new way that things are, but those first few moments of the change are very stressful for me. Like I said above, because I went through the first experience, it better prepared me for the second time around. The same thing goes with change. The more I experience change, the more opportunities I have to learn how to deal with it and for that I am thankful. I like to think that I'm getting better at it ;)

Day 4: Gifts of Enthusiasm

I wasn't really sure what to be thankful for in the area of enthusiasm. Yeah, it's great to be enthusiastic, but I just didn't understand what exactly needed to be given thanks. I decided to Google some things and this is what I found:

People who possess the gift of enthusiasm are those that have a strong positive effect on the people around them. They are always optimistic, cheery, and have this infectious energy about them; they always see the good in every situation. Do you know the type??

Without these kind of people in our lives, it would definitely be hard to pick ourselves up after a hard battle, difficult to move forward with life. We desperately need enthusiastic people in our lives to show us God's grace and remind us the simple truths of the Bible. A few people come to my mind when reflecting on this topic. I am very grateful that I have those people in my life.

"Do not judge whether what you are doing is impressive or mediocre, spiritual or mundane. Just do it with enthusiasm. Just give yourself to whatever you do with this full knowledge: 'God is within me. All actions that I perform are an offering to God.' " - Swami Chidvilasananda

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 3: Persistence/Endurance

What is endurance?

<<<< This is a pretty accurate definition. I am thankful for having the ability to persist and endure in times of trial. I've encountered many trials in my short almost 21 years of life; most of them occurring the past year or two. 

When I'm in the heat of a trial, the last thing I want to think about is enduring and pushing on with persistence. I usually just want to give up all hope and quit. But then I think, "How is that going to change anything? I'll still be stuck where I'm at; upset and unsatisfied."

Many times, Colton will tell me that God has a specific plan for me and that I just have to trust in God. Yeah, yeah. I know that already. Honestly, it sort of feels like he is just giving me an easy answer without putting any effort into understanding how I feel. I'm completely wrong.
Basically, this picture says it all...>>>>>>>>>>

God does have a plan for me. And although, that isn't necessarily what I want to hear in that moment, I know that it is the truth and I'm thankful that Colton reminds me of that consistently. By experiencing these trials and enduring them, I know that whatever happens is the best possible outcome and it will definitely be worth going through all the hard stuff.

"By your endurance you will gain your lives." - Luke 21:19

Check out Colton's Day 3 HERE

Day 2: Gifts Read (authors, books, etc.)

Lately I have been making more of an effort to read books as opposed to watching Netflix all the time. The main reason for this is because of the book "Sex is not the problem (lust is)" by Joshua Harris (which I am very thankful for. ha ha.).

One of the chapters focused specifically on what types of things we are allowing into our hearts and minds via television, movies, magazines, books, Internet, etc. This chapter brought to my attention that although what i'm watching isn't terrible, it isn't necessarily glorifying God either. I can also apply this to the books that I choose to read. Because of this I have actually put down a couple books that I decided were not worth my time reading because of content. 

I am trying to use the website www.pluggedin.com to read Christian reviews on what I am allowing into my heart, media wise. It really brings a lot of things to my attention that I would normally just brush over.

With that, I am very thankful for the entertainment that we have today (specifically books), and I am also thankful that there are strong Christians who make it a point to review movies and books so that people like myself can determine whether or not it is a God glorifying indulgence.

Check it out >>>> I LOVE COLTON GROVES!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Gifts in Your Mom

July 1/Day 1: Gifts in Your Mom

Ladies and Gents, this here is my amazing mom (and dad). I don’t know what I would do without her!

  1. She is always sharing her clothes with me.
  2. She doesn't act her age (in a good way). Always up for having some fun; usually in the form of yard sales and attempting to glue quarters to the mall floor.
  3. Along with yard sales, she is GREAT at finding bargains and definitely raised me the same way.
  4. She is supportive of everything I do and is always willing to help me financially (school, rent, food, utilities, doctor visits, etc.).
  5. She does my taxes. I would be completely lost without her accounting knowledge.
  6. She never complains about doing my laundry when I come home for a visit and even cleans my house when she comes for a visit.
  7. She is crafty and always shares her scrapbook supplies with me. In return, I do a little scrap-booking for her.
  8. She is a great mountain biker. Even though at least one crash happens on every ride, she still gets back on the bike every single time.
  9. She has a huge heart for people; always wanting to help. The majority of her time is spent investing in those she loves, even those she isn't very fond of.
  10. She (and my dad) raised me with manners, taught me the importance of tithing my money to God, and teaches me in the way of the Lord.
  11. She loves dogs even more than I do.
  12. She will one day spoil my children.
  13. She has funny, embarrassing moments, but doesn't get upset when I laugh “with her.”
  14. She has always been my guinea pig (without complaining) when I would cook meals.
  15. She (along with my dad) let me earn money from household chores and taught me the value of my money and hard work.
  16. She is an overachiever. Always putting in extra hours at work and always serving at church (cleaning, nursery, and Sunday-school teaching).
  17. She is my best friend who I can go to with any struggle I encounter. She listens very well even when i’m just crying to her.
This is just a condensed list. I could go on and on about my WONDERFUL mother. I love you mom.


Day 1: Pictures/Measurements

Here are my beginning pictures and measurements.
So far the workouts aren't too bad. I get through them pretty quickly so I've been doing each workout twice for a total of an hour each workout. I've also tried some of Jamie’s recipes, such as: turkey muffins and protein carrot cake bars. Both were delicious, although i’m not picky with what I eat. 
Weight: 121 pounds

Stay tuned for my continued journey!
